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標題[情報] 勇士試圖在交易截止前交易來LeBron
時間2024-02-14 21:24:16
Sources: Warriors made bid for LeBron James at trade deadline
Adrian Wojnarowski
Over a clandestine 24-hour window prior to the trade deadline on Thursday that
included owner to owner conversations, the Golden State Warriors made an unsu
ccessful bid to convince the Los Angeles Lakers and LeBron James to consider a
trade to pair him with longtime-rival Stephen Curry, sources told ESPN.
Bron James考慮一筆交易,將他聯手勁敵Stephen Curry,但未能成功。
The Warriors were eager to present a deal package to LA, but neither the Laker
s nor James were ultimately willing to explore a potential blockbuster. Even a
t 39 years old, James is still playing at an All-NBA level that stirred the Wa
rriors imagination about his ability to extend the window of the franchise's f
ading dynasty.
Armed with the encouragement of Warriors star Draymond Green, Golden State own
er Joe Lacob reached out to Lakers owner Jeanie Buss to inquire whether James'
apparent public frustration could be interpreted as an opening to discuss a t
rade, sources said.
在勇士隊明星Draymond Green的鼓勵下,金州老闆Joe Lacob聯繫了湖人隊老闆Jeanie Bu
Buss told Lacob the Lakers had no desire to trade James, but that he would nee
d to seek the answer on James' state of mind from his agent, Klutch Sports CEO
Rich Paul, sources said. As an owner, Buss has operated with the mindset that
she wants her star players content with the franchise, and that instructed he
r thinking on referring Warriors leadership to James' representation, sources
席執行長Rich Paul那裡尋找答案。作為老闆,Buss一直持有這樣的心態:她希望她的明
If the Lakers ever wanted a temperature check on James' commitment, here was h
is chance to tell them. In the end, that answer for the Warriors and Lakers re
turned resoundingly on the eve of the trade deadline: Rich Paul told Lacob and
Warriors GM Mike Dunleavy Jr., that James had no interest in a trade and want
ed to remain a Laker, sources said. When Dunleavy Jr., reached out to Lakers G
M Rob Pelinka in those pre-trade deadline hours, Dunleavy Jr., had been told t
he same: the Lakers wanted to keep James, sources said.
易截止日前夕響亮地回歸給了勇士隊和湖人隊:Rich Paul告訴Lacob和勇士隊總經理Mike
Dunleavy Jr.,James對交易不感興趣,想要留在湖人隊。當MDJ在交易截止日期前的小
時候聯繫到湖人隊總經理Robert Pelinka時,MDJ得到了同樣的回答:湖人隊想要留下Jam
Earlier Wednesday, Green -- whom Paul also represents at Klutch -- had sent Pa
ul a text message soliciting his help convincing James to join him in Golden S
tate, sources said. Once, Green had been a lead recruiter on Kevin Durant's fr
ee agency signing with Golden State, but this was a far different, far more fu
tile 11th hour pursuit.
,請求他的幫助,說服James加入金州。曾經,Green是Kevin Durant自由簽約加入金州的
Dunleavy Jr. was the second team executive call to Pelinka on a possible James
trade, sources said. After seeing James' murky social media post of an hour-g
lass a week before the trade deadline, Philadelphia 76ers President of Basketb
all Operations Daryl Morey called Pelinka to probe on a James trade and was im
mediately told that James wasn't available. In fact, Pelinka responded by aski
ng Morey if Joel Embiid was available, sources said. And that ended that brief
conversation. These sorts of bold trade calls are historically a common pract
ice for Morey, who also called the Phoenix Suns and asked about a trade for Du
rant prior to the deadline, sources said. When told no on Durant, Morey then a
sked about the availability of Devin Booker and Bradley Beal, too. Unsurprisin
gly, those were no's as well, sources said.
yl Morey致電Pelinka探詢James交易,並立即被告知不可行。實際上,Pelinka還反問Mor
ey關於喬Joel Embiid是否可交易。這結束了那次短暫的對話。這種大膽的交易電話在Mor
,消息來源說。當被告知不可行時,Morey接著詢問Devin Booker和Bradley Beal的可行
Nevertheless, the Warriors and Lakers back-and-forth lands differently because
it started on the ownership level and included Buss referring the Warriors to
James' representation to check for themselves about James' commitment to the
The Warriors could revisit a pursuit in the offseason when James holds a $51.4
million player option on his contract for 2024-2025. If James returns to the
Lakers, he'll likely do so by declining that option and re-signing with LA on
a new deal that would allow him an annual raise. James remains focused on retu
rning to the Lakers in the offseason, sources told ESPN, but undoubtedly there
will be many of these same suitors -- including Golden State and Philadelphia
-- emerging to make cases to convince James otherwise.
The Lakers and Warriors were restrained at the trade deadline. The Lakers are
hopeful they can make a more significant roster upgrade in the offseason, when
they'll have three future first-round picks available to use in trades, sourc
es said.
The Warriors did have substantiative talks on several trade scenarios, includi
ng with Chicago's Alex Caruso and Utah's Kelly Olynyk, sources said, but made
only a money-saving deal to move guard Cory Joseph. Golden State is facing the
potential of unrestricted free agency for four-time championship guard Klay T
勇士隊的確就幾種交易方案進行了實質性談判,包括與公牛隊的Alex Caruso和爵士隊的K
elly Olynyk,但只進行了一筆節省資金的交易,將後衛Cory Joseph交易出去。金州面臨
四次冠軍後衛Klay Thompson的不受限自由球員身份的潛在問題。
For now, the Lakers and Warriors are separated in the standings for 9th and 10
in the Western Conference Play-in race. For now, they'll stay on parallel pat
hs and leave those 11th hour conversations in the wake of trade deadline week.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(web-ptt.tw), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://web-ptt.tw/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1707917058.A.424
推 kobebrian: 交易來了也不會有多好的戰績嗎 02/14 21:26
→ kobebrian: 這交易要成功基本上所有東西都得丟吧 02/14 21:27
推 s9415154: 當時這傳聞還以為是唬爛的 竟然真的有問過XDD 02/14 21:39
推 shanyaochung: 大概圍巾+阿嘎+薪資包+籤吧,追夢跟木笛應該不會動 02/14 21:39
→ shanyaochung: 到,Klay沒價值,不過這交易如果真的要成,也必須要 02/14 21:39
推 Hathael: 演藝圈一堆包養好嗎 02/14 21:39 → shanyaochung: LBJ想離開湖人才行,看來他沒有想離開XD 02/14 21:39
推 chinhan1216: 傻眼 嘴綠去問 現在曝光隊友間不會有Beef? 02/14 21:40
→ ayoung39: 文章就說是嘴綠去牽線的 當然不會動他 聽說是CP3+7+14 02/14 21:40
→ ayoung39: 球隊好不容易有起色 這時間點是來搞分化勇士的嗎 02/14 21:41
推 Sc30Fmvp: 球商應該會暴漲吧 只能說幸好沒有 02/14 21:45
推 yovroc: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 02/14 21:45 推 drcula: 換了保底西決欸,球商瞬間爆增300% 02/14 21:46
推 Sc30Fmvp: 原來有問過折手哥 只是..他是到期約 留的下嗎XD 02/14 21:47
→ Sc30Fmvp: 交易大限前勇士戰績也不太好看 想要變化能理解 02/14 21:47
推 OrniG: 真的交易LBJ來應該也不是為了贏球是為了賣票跟商品吧 02/14 22:07
→ OrniG: 炒作咖哩的最後兩年跟LBJ一起,反正最後一起退休再重建勇士 02/14 22:08
推 helgalie: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 02/14 22:08 → OrniG: 管理層大概也評估現在的陣容要奪冠很難,不如加強商業價值 02/14 22:09
→ OrniG: 以LBJ這兩年的打法,如果真的來勇士防守降級不說 02/14 22:10
→ OrniG: 進攻大概也是多一個人發牌跟在外線投三分,仍舊一攤死水 02/14 22:10
推 killuaz: 挖老詹最大的好處就是會變8打5,整體戰力應該是能變強啦 02/14 22:15
→ killuaz: ,但球賽會變難看 02/14 22:15
推 OREOMZA: 學生妹被包養多嗎 02/14 22:15 推 jack34031: 休賽季哪來的錢追求LeBron 02/14 22:16
推 AkiMegumi: 嘴綠找老闆去賣隊友來換老詹 隊上被換的籌碼不知道怎 02/14 22:25
→ AkiMegumi: 麼想 ... 02/14 22:25
推 inuyaksa: 高球商咖哩 那別隊不用玩了 02/14 22:26
→ GordnHayward: 笑死 如果聯手不知道會怎樣 02/14 22:31
推 punjab: 有錢人為啥都想包養 02/14 22:31 推 cyesgin: 還不錯啊 高球商 02/14 22:38
噓 tdceo: 嘴綠到底在幹嘛 02/14 22:39
推 OrniG: 嘴綠就是個搞事的主,要他完全專心在球場上太難了 02/14 22:42
推 colaliu: 如果勇士能變好 我支持 02/14 22:46
推 colaliu: LBJ這兩年 無球居多吧 來了進攻升級 防守效率也很好 防 02/14 22:48
推 sashare: 有錢人為啥都想包養 02/14 22:48 → colaliu: 守也升級吧 不要一兩個叉腰防守給洗腦了 02/14 22:48
→ inuyaksa: 怎麼看都不會變好 小將時間已經夠少了 02/14 22:48
推 tk88769: 老柯有球商 這畫面太美 做夢都夢不到.. 02/14 22:48
→ jack34031: 絕對會變好吧,極短期內 02/14 22:52
→ jack34031: 長期當然慘不忍睹 02/14 22:53
推 sijiex: 亞洲最大包養網上線啦 02/14 22:53 推 candbilly153: 一定是變好的吧,也不用擔心小將的時間啦因為都被送 02/14 22:54
→ candbilly153: 去湖人了 02/14 22:54
推 opse1020: 他來倒是沒什麼,可怕的是某些族群嘔嘔嘔 02/14 22:56
推 neymarjrmvp: 還要算到變成高球商的咖哩 會更強吧 02/14 23:03
→ neymarjrmvp: 不過可能要換教練 垃圾時間不給刷 老詹會不高興 02/14 23:03
推 VLADINA: 我哥上包養網被我抓包.. 02/14 23:03 推 stephen0522: 來準備 球商勇 02/14 23:10
推 inuyaksa: 詹迷勇迷一起叫對面剪影片 無敵了 02/14 23:16
推 ChamPion3: 差點全劇終 可惜 02/14 23:33
噓 SuAiLUVu: 不是阿嘴綠隨便講老闆就隨便信?? 02/15 00:06
→ SuAiLUVu: 沒道理阿 02/15 00:06
推 odemagus: 有人包養過洋鬼子嗎 02/15 00:06 → SuAiLUVu: 當Joe Lacob是白癡? 02/15 00:06
推 fdtu0928: 幸好沒成。實在無法想像柯詹一起作戰的畫面 02/15 01:11
推 jack34031: 今年就有機會了 02/15 01:54
→ jack34031: 巴黎奧運 02/15 01:55
→ jack34031: 是說明星賽有同隊過啊 02/15 01:56
推 yes500: 有錢人為啥都想包養 02/15 01:56 → flamevein: 嘴綠怎麼場內場外都在搞自己人啊 02/15 02:02
推 qkla: 折手哥最後也只賣一首輪,開價給勇士就開2首輪,沒談下來很 02/15 04:44
→ qkla: 可惜 02/15 04:44
推 chwu60: 剛剛看到SAS建議勇士直接簽Bonny就好了、LBJ會自己來(笑 02/15 04:48
→ chwu60: 死 02/15 04:48
推 alexantiy: 有人被洋鬼子包養過嗎 02/15 04:48 推 jack34031: 勇士沒有合適的球員能換吧 02/15 04:50
推 jack34031: 暴龍換過去的都是到期約 02/15 04:52
推 inuyaksa: 嘴綠怎麼看都是為了自己爽吧,正常人有不換AD去換姆斯的 02/15 07:05
→ inuyaksa: 理由嗎 02/15 07:05
推 awheaton311: 白癡 換過來是要多老 老人球隊只會被天罰 是嫌棄現 02/15 07:13
推 sowrey: 到底要多有錢才會想包養 02/15 07:13 → awheaton311: 在不夠刺激嗎 02/15 07:13
→ karmel: AD現在交易價值其實也比LBJ高很多 02/15 07:47
→ karmel: 雖然都換不到 02/15 07:47
推 currylovekuo: 如果成了那批踢踢要世紀大和解了 02/15 08:46
推 jack34031: 真換成的話,Dunleavy可以拿到諾貝爾和平獎 02/15 08:49
推 cw758: 包養SD = aSugarDating 02/15 08:49 推 abc202000: 交易過來庫詹迷大和解 勇士球商upup 02/15 09:02
→ karmel: 如果詹咖同隊是很好 但不可能XD 02/15 09:11
推 jack34031: 只能期待美國隊了 02/15 09:15
推 kaede0711: 商業角度不是很意外光年會有興趣 畢竟LBJ真的來光商業 02/15 09:51
→ kaede0711: 效益應該就會讓勇士願意繳豪華稅 02/15 09:51
推 ludi: 閨蜜上包養網還推薦我... 02/15 09:51 推 benboy: 其實除了我們還有76也問了 就看到老詹的沙漏多少問問 02/15 10:30
推 Sc30Fmvp: 如果丟穆迪跟CP3就算了 還要加阿明就別想了 02/15 10:30
推 benboy: 還好對方沒有說那Curry能交易嗎? XDD 02/15 10:32
→ karmel: 老詹現在實力還是有 但資產不夠 02/15 11:01
→ karmel: 除非把小將全部包進去XD 02/15 11:01
推 peernut: 包養? 02/15 11:01 → karmel: 但這樣反而犧牲陣容 02/15 11:01
→ x123987789: 要說資產其實我們保留的不錯 這季的籤交出去以後剩下 02/15 11:12
→ x123987789: 的幾乎都在手上 02/15 11:12
推 Sc30Fmvp: 只剩30年的給了巫師 但是前20順位保護 只要今年的送出去 02/15 11:13
→ Sc30Fmvp: 剩下的就很好運用了 02/15 11:13
推 xikimi: 台全最的包養SD上線啦! 02/15 11:13 推 malain: 阿家!!!(直接變Live串???? 02/15 11:15
→ ayoung39: 苦命真的猛 02/15 11:17
推 AkiMegumi: 要開live 串嗎 02/15 11:17
推 a0939877325: 開局不錯 02/15 11:17
推 OrniG: 今天防守不錯,全部都對的很好 02/15 11:17
推 Avero: 現在包養網都這麼直接嗎 02/15 11:17 推 Sc30Fmvp: 打鬍子這個點也是正確的 02/15 11:17
推 malain: 最近防守真的有以前的感覺了,希望別跑掉 02/15 11:18
→ ayoung39: 剛剛主播說CP3在10後要在複查一次 02/15 11:18
推 kaede0711: 水啦阿嘎 02/15 11:24
→ karmel: CP3等明星賽後再看看吧 02/15 11:26
推 ejoz: 歐美包養真的很平常嗎? 02/15 11:26 → sun24220499: ! 02/15 11:31