沒有藏 電競豚討論 中文播報金句連連也是因為母語本來就是華語(ex:真是太金人了、好大有兵)所以很快就 能Get到幽默點或嗆辣點 但讓我這個外語土人聽了到現在還是印象深刻的英文播報或介紹金句也是存在 像是去年八強GenG落敗全華BLG的“They say Busan is the church of Chovy, but what 's a god to 5 non-believers”常言道Chovy是釜山人的信仰,但在5個無神論者面前算 什麼東西?(而且中國也確實鼓勵不信神只信黨XD) 或是Tyler1受邀去當LCS冠軍賽開場的一句“(Evil Geniuses)Cause They are So GOOD t o be BAAAAAAAD(音韻還刻意壓低)”正因為夠優越,才夠壞 還有哪幾段英語播報也是聽了很帶感很有意境的? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(web-ptt.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://web-ptt.tw/LoL/M.1726031654.A.A1E
c871111116 : What was .....09/11 13:17
tkdboy111020: Faker what was that09/11 13:21
sugerme : 不是LPL VS LCK是T1 VS LPL09/11 13:22
Nicodim: 覺得包養網EY嗎09/11 13:23
c22501656 : 209/11 13:23
calvin0319 : what was that -__- 09/11 13:23
gcobc12632 : faker what was that09/11 13:37
XYCW : 2022決賽Caedrel的姑媽巴龍F bomb也不錯 09/11 13:40
flyingzz : guma can he steal it09/11 13:41
Foning: 包養網站葉配啦09/11 13:41
tembura : S13決賽G3 Atlus有一段結語也不錯 09/11 13:41
lskjd9058 : 有人列的一些: https://pse.is/6exbt7 09/11 13:43
HanKWanG1994: 我記得有一個西班牙彈舌的XDD09/11 13:44
sioprr : What was that要搭配畫面服用,但樓主給的幾段話09/11 13:45
sioprr : 光是看文字就有意境了 09/11 13:45
AKNY: 記者收了包養網多少啦 09/11 13:45
y12544 : Faker's shockwave will find them all09/11 13:46
y12544 : https://youtu.be/b2hznIdaQYw09/11 13:46
Kuribohrn : 演講豚09/11 13:48
reCAPTCHA : this is not fpl this is major09/11 13:50
Yoru : https://reurl.cc/Ll5vV409/11 13:50
mysister: 包養真亂09/11 13:50
lskjd9058 : 今年對這個印象最深 https://tw.psee.ly/6exd8h09/11 13:53
lskjd9058 : If there's a church of Chovy, then we better.. 09/11 13:54
lskjd9058 : believe in the cult of Creme. Hysterics說的 09/11 13:54
Texsogood : Ruler goes down Guma just better 09/11 14:00
AilSyue : S13 WBG主堡爆炸之前的,Four times T1 has lost i 09/11 14:03
cir72: 演藝圈一堆包養好嗎 09/11 14:03
AilSyue : n a game 5, four times they have been knocked d 09/11 14:03
AilSyue : own, and four times they have got back up for t 09/11 14:03
KLC24 : Caedrel: WTF 09/11 14:04
AilSyue : his moment. 09/11 14:04
kurue : tyler1:YOU HAVE NO MANA 09/11 14:04
ATrain: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 09/11 14:04
yaes111 : what was that ? 09/11 14:19
kevinduh4 : Why nunu why 09/11 14:20
Lostinthecho: Martin Tyler 09/11 14:21
yitingted : Faker Shockwave will find them all 09/11 14:24
bernon : https://shorturl.at/9xYpv 09/11 14:28
grado0802: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 09/11 14:28
darren2586 : It is not LPL vs LCK, it is T1 vs LPL 09/11 14:28
noctilucous : ruler goes down, guma is just better! 去年1v2 09/11 14:28
a0616123 : LEC有一段 Do EU Believe? 09/11 14:32
narumi150729: They have been doubted,they have been discounte09/11 14:35
narumi150729: d,they have been dismissed09/11 14:35
smilejin: 學生妹被包養多嗎09/11 14:35
narumi150729: But DRX 09/11 14:35
narumi150729: Are your 2022 World Champions09/11 14:35
narumi150729: Flowers超會選詞09/11 14:37
knight45683 : 去年世界賽的 All roads lead to me 09/11 14:43
zwe1428 : 之前吉祥介紹ahq 09/11 14:48
qusekii: 有錢人為啥都想包養 09/11 14:48
NCKUEECS : 不是LPL VS LCK 是 T1 VS LPL09/11 14:49
NCKUEECS : 簡單易懂又有整個賽區救世主的感覺 09/11 14:50
seiyahiroto : 我覺得DRX GENG結尾那段也很好 何況他們真的擊敗王09/11 14:52
seiyahiroto : It is one final chapter! It is one more page in 09/11 14:52
seiyahiroto : the legacy of Deft! He has one chance to kill t09/11 14:53
Y949731: 有錢人為啥都想包養09/11 14:53
seiyahiroto : he king! 09/11 14:53
S890127 : QUAAAAADRAKILL09/11 14:53
mark0912n : b 09/11 14:59
xhakiboo : LEC夏季決賽 G2 FNC Game3 09/11 15:11
T730733: 亞洲最大包養網上線啦 09/11 15:11
sch0805 : Some road lead to him 09/11 15:11
xhakiboo : Caedral: How how how how how 09/11 15:11
xhakiboo : no no no no09/11 15:11
rayli1224 : this time last year nobody know who is peanut 09/11 15:14
rayli1224 : this time this year everyone know he is king of 09/11 15:14
FireStation: 我哥上包養網被我抓包.. 09/11 15:14
rayli1224 : jg09/11 15:14
SixAlan : The SKT legacy has been reignited 簡單明瞭又很09/11 15:18
SixAlan : 有衝擊的感覺09/11 15:18
qd6590 : Faker ! What was that! 09/11 15:18
momiji09 : It is one more page in the legacy of Deft. He h09/11 15:22
Thobel: 有人包養過洋鬼子嗎09/11 15:22
hh123yaya : will we c909/11 15:22
momiji09 : as one chance to kill the king. 09/11 15:22
momiji09 : 推了才發現上面已經有人推過了XD 09/11 15:22
BusterPosey : Atlus去年決賽的結尾 09/11 15:26
w313725 : 你抗的住砲車的傷害嗎?09/11 15:37
Reji: 有錢人為啥都想包養09/11 15:37
asd810733 : http://i.imgur.com/p6BewJE.jpg 09/11 15:46
jaienhung : 很古老的,Hotshotgg 1v3 no problem! 09/11 16:00
orange077 : GG~ 09/11 16:10
Speedwagon : It starts with success 09/11 16:11
bincamille : Deft, no, the game was in your hands 09/11 16:14
Hathael: 有人被洋鬼子包養過嗎 09/11 16:14
SweetRice : Huni quaaaaadra kill 我記得是phreak 09/11 16:24
XiaoZheng : Blocked by James 09/11 16:32
Yan5566 : OOOO blocked by James! 09/11 16:35
kasaki : Look at the cleanse, look at the moves! 09/11 16:35
rareribeye : It is not LPL versus LCK,it’s T1 versus the L 09/11 16:38
yovroc: 到底要多有錢才會想包養 09/11 16:38
rareribeye : PL 09/11 16:38
xxdddddd1234: Faker wwt? 09/11 16:48
wutface : But DRX are your 2022 worlds champion 09/11 16:54
obeytherules: look at the cleanse look at the moves 09/11 16:59
XiaoMoe : 我很喜歡Time is temporary, Faker is forever! 09/11 17:01
helgalie: 包養SD = aSugarDating 09/11 17:01
bernon : 不如找LPL的更爆笑 雙射手笑死人 09/11 17:25
Foreveryears: T1 vs LPL那段 09/11 17:27
Ishtarasuka : Guma can he steal it 那段WTF結尾 09/11 17:32
Ishtarasuka : G2T1 24MSI hold the fucking line /go baron 09/11 17:33
momo1244 : 絕境李相赫 英雄聯盟最高的山最長的河 09/11 17:33
OREOMZA: 閨蜜上包養網還推薦我... 09/11 17:33
Ishtarasuka : Faker what was that 09/11 17:33
AdmiralAdudu: It starts with success 09/11 17:51
henry654 : look at the cleanse, look at the moves… 09/11 17:56
rogernl : 一定是It is not LPL vs LCK, it is T1 vs LPL 這句 09/11 18:03
willion003 : Over my dead body 09/11 18:15
punjab: 包養? 09/11 18:15
igoati60153 : 2017 NA夏決 TSM奪冠end game前 09/11 18:15
LoveShadow : choooovvvy 09/11 18:24
mion0723 : HIKO! Inhuman reaction 09/11 20:18
NoPush : 上海圖書館時kobe的 “CLG!I never doubted them 09/11 20:28
berry5277 : T1 vs LPL跟S12 deft 打敗GG 09/11 21:01
sashare: 台全最的包養SD上線啦! 09/11 21:01
berry5277 : 說 have one chance to kill the king 09/11 21:02
chengyu1010 : Faker’s shockwave will find them all! 永遠忘不 09/11 23:46
chengyu1010 : 了 09/11 23:46
feyhs : Look at the cleanse Look at the move 09/12 13:56
feyhs : Faker What Was That 09/12 13:56
sijiex: 現在包養網都這麼直接嗎 09/12 13:56