作者swallow753 (下午茶)
標題[外絮] 夏季聯賽開始測試新挑戰規則
時間2023-06-08 21:11:25
The NBA is considering giving head coaches a second challenge of an official's
call if the first challenge of the game is successful.
Byron Spruell, the league's president of basketball operations, said the idea
would be discussed further during Thursday's meeting with the NBA's
competition committee.
"We're absolutely looking at it," Spruell said during ESPN's "NBA Today" on
Wednesday. "The competition committee over the summer will review it. It's
still a process. We have to get it through a board [of governors] vote over
the summer, test it as well, but we feel like it's an incremental movement
that we would potentially like to see."
NBA運營總裁Byron Spruell表示,這個想法將在周四與NBA競賽委員會的會議中進一
週三Spruell在ESPN的《NBA Today》節目中說:"我們絕對在關注它"。夏季期間
Spruell also said the league office is considering using technology to ensure
timely accuracy on out-of-bounds and goaltending calls in the final two
minutes of games. Those will be tested during the NBA's summer leagues.
"We always want to get those calls right, and the timing and accuracy of those
are important," Spruell said. "Those are areas where they're more objective
and technology can take a look at those, and that'd be assisted by the replay
center. So some opportunity for technology to be viewed in the replay center,
assisted first, and then be able to make those calls to the officials on the
"Now, over time, maybe those even become more automated, like you see in
tennis, like you see in baseball, like you see in even soccer. So we're
excited by the innovation there and what it could potentially lead to,
including for our referees, taking that focus off of those objective calls and
letting them get to more complex, more real-time and more judgment-type,
subjective calls and shifting their focus."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(web-ptt.tw), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://web-ptt.tw/NBA/M.1686229887.A.88F
推 evangelew : 這是好的改變 06/08 21:12
推 mhkt : 期待誤判能夠下降…… 06/08 21:13
→ evangelew : 話說如果第二次又挑戰成功 還有沒有第三次挑戰權? 06/08 21:13
→ mhkt : 目前是2次 06/08 21:14
→ swallow753 : 就2 06/08 21:14
推 tale1890: 演藝圈一堆包養好嗎 06/08 21:14 → hunt5566 : 誇張的救球出界希望能減少 06/08 21:14
→ skybin : 還是要看裁判啦,就是要黑如湖人摸空氣,給你挑戰 06/08 21:15
→ skybin : 結果還是不改判啊 06/08 21:15
推 e8e88 : 說實話 這季很多空氣犯規 挑戰還是沒用 個人覺得看 06/08 21:16
→ e8e88 : 看就好 06/08 21:16
推 waterway: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 06/08 21:16 推 skybin : 碰到親兒子湖人,給再多挑戰應該都沒用吧 06/08 21:18
推 ken720331 : 湖人跟老詹不是都沒流量了怎麼可能是親兒子 按照 06/08 21:28
→ ken720331 : 收視率來看 湖人就是沒落了不要那麼愛幻想湖人是親 06/08 21:28
→ ken720331 : 兒子 06/08 21:28
推 kobegary34 : 原來是蛹迷 請繼續扯 06/08 21:36
推 mark1888: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 06/08 21:36 推 lillardfor3 : 這樣挑戰一次失敗的跟兩次挑戰成功的會差距太大吧 06/08 21:43
→ lillardfor3 : 統一都給兩次才公平 06/08 21:44
推 kevinfan00 : 不會啊 我是覺得多給幾次 反正會用掉暫停不是? 06/08 22:43
推 Js1233 : 挑戰成功就不該扣次數 06/08 22:58
推 wx190 : 沒有 看到勇士移動迷宮一樣無視 06/08 22:59
推 Quaranta: 學生妹被包養多嗎 06/08 22:59 推 BeastJAY : 先處理假摔吧...湖人一堆人都靠假摔...還讓他們粉 06/08 23:30
→ BeastJAY : 絲以為有西二的實力== 06/08 23:30
推 gm79227922 : 請繼續你的表演 06/09 01:39