The Utah Jazz are expected to sign small forward Keshawn Justice to an Exhibit 10 contract, League Sources tell The Athletic. Justice has been a veteran of the SLC Stars organization and has played in summer league with the Jazz 正義克蕭,聽起來很強 雖然發音不太一樣 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
wakayama : 柯正義 09/21 10:34
vance1024 : 可笑正義 09/21 10:39
conqueror507: just ice 09/21 11:28
ClownT : 海軍? 09/21 11:34
gama : 可笑正義 09/21 13:37
Drither: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 09/21 13:37
sonyvaio : 絕招是正義制裁嗎? 09/21 14:01
a23928022 : 看我正義的鐵拳 09/23 07:15
MorikonHase : 手感:只有冰 09/23 20:02